Tired fron SF...
Collins and I were up till 1 am doing sci fair, but I guess it was a fun experience. We were tired the entire day at school, he even told me he fell asleeep in stats. We got Model UN countries, I'm doing Belarus: World Health. I'm sleepy....I'll tell my story then go to finish hw....then sleep...
Funny thing of the Day: In AP Stats we were learning how to use the nPr command. Andrew and I start experimenting with different functions and graphs, trying to make a smooth curve out of the functon. I tend to get loud when I am exited, so when I tell Andrew about my evaluation of the function I interrupt Ms. Berkeley.
Ms. Berkeley: "What are you guys doing back there that is so important you can't pay attention to my lesson?"
Me: "Messing around..."
(Everyone starts laughing)
Me: "...with our calculators"