Racey days, Help me through the hopeless haze.

Big D's Random Happenings. Plus some robots. Comments Appreciated!!!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

So long and thanks for all the fish...

This blog has been a chronicle of the life of a high school student. With my arrival at college, this will no longer serve as the diary of my days craziness, but rather it will act like a momento for one of the most enjoyable times of my life. I thank everyone who made this journey with me, its been a good ride.

If I decide to keep blogging, I'll post the link here....eventually.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Final Goodbyes and Packing

Today I said my final goodbyes to many people. We had dinner at Don Pablo's. It was the last time I'll see Nonye, AJ, Cara, and Koutek for a while. I had to go home before seeing "Snakes on a Plane" cuz of packing. Ah well, it was still fun.

Lyric of the Day:
"You were everything, everything that I wanted
We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it
And all of the memories, so close to me, just fade away
All this time you were pretending
So much for my happy ending"
-Avril Lavigne:"My Happy Ending"

Random Story of The Day: I told Joe he wasn't asian enough to bring a rice cooker to school. Kid freaked out on me, but it was hilarious.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

High School Hijinks: A mix CD by Big D

So I was randomly thinking of which songs captured my high school experince the most. The list:

-Must Be Dreaming(First Otakon AMV, Introduced Elan and I to Frou Frou)
-Come on Eileen(Elan loves this song + It sounds like they say Tuua's name)
-Drive(This has served as the Karaoke song of choice for me + Sonia likes Incubus, thats all I knew about her besides that she wasa conservative in 9th Grade)
-Pink Triangle(Thinking you have thing figured out then it crashing has been high shchool for me + Jeff and I sang it in APUSH)
-Rock and Roll Queen(Subways sang this in concert + Katie Ryan made me remember this after her excursion with a band member)
-Look Up(Joe gave me this amazing song after I said I loved violin-based songs)
-Kick Push(Yohance introduced me to Lupe Fiasco with this)
-Time to dance(A reference to one of the most misguided and silly things I have ever done)
-Perfect Situation(Jeff once again sang this with me, cept in Econ + The song meaning captures part of high school for me)
-21 and Invincible(Late night trips with the crew+ Katie introduces me to Something Corporate)
-Move ALong (The meaning got me through some messed up times)
-When you were young(Chris loves this song + we were considering going to the virgin festival)
-Ms New Booty(For some reason I call Shilpa "Ms. New Booty", probably as she is a good dancer)
-Sweetness(Davon and I love this song + Represents all the crazy things I've done)
-I Believe in a Thing Called Love(DAvon aways sings it + Ruthie always plays this song in her car)
-My hero(Joe loves it, and we sang it in Physics)
-We are the Champions(Robotics theme song, for both victory and defeat)
-Change Your Mind(One of the songs that represent the things I had hoped would happen in HS, but didn't + My blog)

Lyric of the Day:
"Well painted passion
You rightly suspect
The dumbing down of love
Jaded in anger
Love underwhelms you
No box of chocolates
Whichever way you fall
And if I tell you
Lover alone without love
What will happen
Lover alone without love"
-Frou Frou:"The Dumbing Down Of Love"

Random Story of The Day: At work I wikipedia-ed Harvard. It suggested a merge with Primal Scream. Then I realized what Primal Scream was. Brad said he wasn't going to participate thankfully.

Friday, August 18, 2006

For parting is such sweet sorrow...

For the past three says I've been trying to make the most of the time I have left with my friends from high school. From walking through a Taco Bell drive through at midnight with Tuua after hanging out with Katie and her gangters, to rushing into Talledega Nights with Chris and Elan, to playing "Truth or Dare" with Ruthie, Davon, and Keith, it has truly been an experience.

My one regret is my lack of attention to when people were leaving, there are still some friends who are going to school far away that I haven't said goodbye to yet. Hopefully I'll be able to see these people, and if I don't all I can do is hope we meet up sometime during breaks.

After middle school, I lost contact for a long time with so many of my friends, just because they went to school twenty minutes away. I feel sad when I think about what will happen when my friends go to schools in different states. I still feel comforted when I think about the things we've expeienced together. Why didn't I take more photos! I guess its better this way though, my imagination tends to make things seem better than they were...

Lyric of the Day:
Some friends become enemies some friends become your family.
Make the best with what you're given
This ain't dyin, this is livin. "
-Good Charlotte:"Movin' On"

The great part of this is that this was CD was given to me by one of those middle school friends who I hadn't talked to in a while. Luckily, we're both going to Maryland.

Random Story of The Day:
We were playing "Truth or Dare". Someone ends up calling their ex and leaving this message:

"Nick, I think we could have worked out if we saw more sunsets(and you were more well endowed). I'm having a sex change because our breakup turned me into a lesbian."

Monday, August 14, 2006

An overextended metaphor...

People are like playing cards,
Life a gigantic deck.
High school, a small pile,
Into College is shuffled.

Usually each card is moved,
From different group to group.
But friendship's a string,
Tied to cards in different piles.

Then relationships must be gum,
Sticking two cards together,
But only so long as,
The gum stays sticky.

As we are shuffled,
Let the knots be tight,
That allow us all to,
Find each other again.

Lyric of the Day:
"(If you listen) Listen, listen
(Listen close) Beat by beat
(You can hear when the heart stops) I saved the pieces
(When it broke) And ground them all to dust"
-AFI:"Bleed Black"

Random Story of The Day: Yohance and I went to a cookout, but we were the first ones there. We're flipping channels on Will's TV, and using the closed captioning to look at what's on the channel before it appears. "Beach Volleyball" appears in the captioning box. "Maybe, we'll watch this for a while...", Yohance laughs putting down the remote. On the screen appears....NASCAR. "Man, That was false advertising..."

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Woes at Work

So yesterday, I went to my first lab meeting. Fun stuff, people presenting their projects, and communal food. It turns out that next week's lab meeting will be all about me presenting my project. The project whose data does directly against the hypothesis. Thank goodness I'm taking a communications class in college...

Bonus pic of my costume!(with Collins there too)

Lyric of the Day:
"You sit there in your heartache
Waiting on some beautiful boy to
To save you from your old ways
You play forgiveness
Watch it now - Here he comes!"
-The Killers:"When You Were Young"

I told Chris that this song reminded me of Coldplay, and he scoffed. Just listen to the intros for this and Talk, and then tell me.

Random Story of The Day:
So at work I'm waiting for my program to compile. Since I had free time, I decided to Wikipedia Rome, searching for the battle group Chris Elan and I were part of. Instead I find an article that starts like this:
"Rome is the penis Italy and of its penis, called Latium. It is located across the penis of the Tiber and Aniene rivers. It was once the capital of the Roman Empire, the most powerful, penis and penis lasting empire of classical Western civilization. The penis City, a sovereign enclave within Rome, is the seat of the Roman Catholic Church and the home of the Pope."

It took me two whole minutes stop laughing.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

OTAKON 2006!!!

Thursday: After work,went down to the city, where I met up with Nonye, Chris, Davon, Billy, Nneka, James, and Ifeoma. After an hour in line, we got our passes, and headed back to their hotel. Nonye showed me this video of Tezuka from Prince of Tennis killing the dinosaurs with his forehand. I head back home on the Metro at 9:30, got to Home Depot till 10, and work on my costume until 1. I still can't believe that people wore their costume while picking up their passes.

Friday: Start the day by wearing full costume and taking the subway at 8 am. Needless to say I recieved weird looks from all the people heading to work. So, I get to the hotel, and when I walk in all I see is a shirtless Chris beoing told to "get your ass in the tub" by Nneka. He actually ended up having really cool looking hair for his Frankie costume, and that stuff she put in it made it ridiculously resistant to changing shape. We caught AMV overflow, and then I ended up running into Corey. He and I ended up following some crazy dudes to the Gallery where we had lunch. While Corey goes back to "A Funny Movie", I decide to check out Ouran Host Club, as Nonye had recomended it. It was pretty funny, though the hinting at incest was creepy.

After that I went to the AMV contest, but I was supposed to leave like 10 minutes for a photo shoot. They actually had some pretty cool AMVs, so I skipped the photo shoot, but left for the
Otaklause challenge. Elan, Touis and I got there and couldn't find Corey. Since we need a team of four we end up asking a girl dressed as Squall to be our fourth. We enter the contest, with the "Da-Da-Da-Da-Da Dun-Da-Dunt" Final Fantasy victory song as our team name. We end up qualifying, but then everyone who lost bitches, and so we redo the entire thing.

Long story short, we end up watching teams that we beat in the qualifiers move onto round two while we sat in our seats. As I sat there seething(according to Elan, not quietly), the ridiculous challenges made it impossible not to laugh, so I ended up having fun. I lost the evil laugh contest to Elan, and the final challenge was cut short because our room had to be used for a Yaoi panel, but it was fun. At least I was able to point at Touis and tell one group of fangirls "You're ruining this little kid's fun for Yaoi!"

Saturday: Elan and I get there at 10 even though we planned to wake up at 8 to get MUCC tickets. In fact the only person who got up in time was Nonye. Elan couldn't get his hair done by Nneka, so he had to walk around with the chemical green hair caused by his attempt the day before to fix it. We watch the end of "Survive Style 5" with Chris and Billy, then Touis and I head out for a private photo shoot.

Since they don't have a Vincent, we are able to call Corey. I personally think Elan's coustume was better than the Cloud we had, but we can blame a stupid Rufus for organizing this badly. In fact we had to pull a Tifa nad Aeris off the side of the street(not that those two ladies would frequent street corners...well at least not Aeris..). The art room is interesting, not only are there great artists and raffles, but this one crazy fangirl comes up to Elan and Corey telling them "Nice costumes, but you fuckers could never beat my Cid", "Tifa is a slut, you should get with
Yuffie, she's a hottie, Cloud", and "Only punk bitches use ranged weapons, Vincent". Most hilarious thing ever!

We grab food, then head to the Hotel. As Elan is getting his his hair done, Nonye teaches me about dojinshi and bishonin manga. Chris calls me telling me that they saved me a seat for the Hellsing Ultimate premeire, which is awesome because I really wanted to see it, but didn't know when it was. Afterwards we watch "Sex is Zero", which is like American Pie but with a gym team. We stay for the beginning of "Sex and Fury", but after a hilarious sword fight(think Kill Bill, but naked lol), it ends up having a couple weird scenes that cued my exit. Elan, Chima, and I watch some of "How to survive a zombie apocolypse", which is slightly funny, but mostly boring. Though it does bring up a good question, does holy water affect Zombies?

We went to the dealer's room for a while. Then we caught the Sunday afternoon parodies. They had the W.A.T.E.R. + H.E.A.T. = S.T.E.A.M. thing, which as Nonye had said was frikin hilarious. Too bad I lost my gun though, it would have been a great momento of this year's Otakon. On second thought though, I'm glad I didn't have to walk through the Subway with it, people staring at you makes you feel really self concious.

Lyric of the Day:

"Boom boom boom boom
I want you in my room
Let's spend the night together
From now until forever"
-Vengaboys:"Boom Boom Boom Boom"

Random Story of The Day:
So I flip through over 200+ pictures hoping to find one of Me, Elan, or Chris. I find only one
person from our entire group in that set of photos. Nneka cosplaying as a schoolgirl. Man, fate hates me.