If I did that, I'd be arrested
So Yohance and I went to see Superman. Will, Yohance's "Prison" buddy came with him, which was interesting because I was able to verify the accuracy of Yohance's stories. Apparently Will and his fellow inmates call Yohance "Trinidaddy" because he brought his dad's flag to school. Not content with that nickname(which belongs to me for those who didn't know) Yohance is going to carry his mom's flag this coming week. I don't know many things that can be made up off of Grenada.
Anyway, to the movie. It was interesting. Your normal Superheor movie, it was even better when you are there with a slightly cynical and loud yet clever group. Adding things like "That's just grimy" or "If I did that, I'd be arrested" made this movie very much worth it. Though the couple sitting in front of us may not have been happy with some of the "racier" comments, it was all quite fun.
Also, some of the moments in the movie are incredibly blasphemous. Well not really, but they can be interpreted that way.
Lyric of the Day:
"Are you my lady, are you?
Are you my lady, are you?
The rain is falling down
the cars remain."
-Mew:"The Zookeeper's Boy"
Random Story of The Day:
Last Saturday was Ruthie's sleepover. Apparently Joe and Katie are going to form a duo and tour across the world. Joe's "aight" piano skill and Katie's vocals are going to carry this group far. I was going to make them a myspace band site to make this even funnier, but let's just pretend I did.
Afterword: I felt bad for not carrying through, so here's there band pic for a possible myspace.

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