Racey days, Help me through the hopeless haze.

Big D's Random Happenings. Plus some robots. Comments Appreciated!!!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

The Week that Wasn't (Senior Week)

Where shall we begin...

Well the three of us(Joe Chris and I) had been talking about getting a room for senior week. So we get Joe to book one using his mom's credit card. As the trip nears I pick up a new beach towel and swim trunks for the beach, as well as a bunch of snacks for when we need them.

Dan doesn't have a room for OC, so he asks if he can come with us. It's no problem for us, but we have to check and see if the hotel will charge us more. This call is made the day before we have to go, even though Dan asked us a week in advance(Don't blame anyone, we're all that procrastination inclined...a result of IRPs). So the hotel tells us that we can't have two minors in the room. That more or less means the trip has to be canceled. Unless we do some illegal manuevers...but wait its me, so the trip is cancelled.

Well, I have a bunch of food I got for the trip. So I suggest we go somewhere else. Since Tuua and Ruthie went to the Appalacian trail a while ago, I figure we could go there. I mean we can learn from their mistakes in knowing what to carry and what to leave at home. Well, that idea is shot to crap.

So I guess I have this food until my grad party. Anyone who I know and wants to come can AIM me @ justbobdanish.

Lyric of the Day:
"Hey Miss Murder can I?
Hey Miss Murder can I?
Make beauty stay if I
Take my life? (Ohhhhh)"
-AFI:"Miss Murder"

Random Story of The Day:
So I was randomly talking to Dan on AIM after the shit hit the fan.

Me: so what have you been up to?
Dan: chilling at home
Dan: getting stepdad's bday gift
Me: I've been playing RO and watching old indian movies
Dan: grieving chesapeak knife and tool closing down
Me: where was that?
Dan: whitemarsh mall and towson mall
Me: oh, i never been there
Dan: :'( when little i allwayse wanted to work there
Dan: -_- yeah so i was a demented child, so what?
Me: lol


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