Racey days, Help me through the hopeless haze.

Big D's Random Happenings. Plus some robots. Comments Appreciated!!!

Monday, June 19, 2006

Grad Party @ the pool

It was honestly the most fun/exausting party I have been to so far. Playing basketball and shark is extremely tiring though. We had a good showing of people there. Shout out to Shilpa for making an amazing plaque(even though I didn't get one), Jeff for running out and getting swim trunks, Ruthie for leaving Tuua's party to come to ours, Angela for swimming the fastest lap I've ever seen, Brittany for being good at shark, Koutek for his tennis tan that gets the ladies, and Briana for amazing party bags. If I missed you, I blame exaustion.

P.S. I just updated an entry for the 10th, don't miss it!

Lyric of the Day:
"Graduation Day
Graduation Day
We take back everything we said about you"
-Head Automatica:"Graduation Day"

Random Story of The Day:
So Joe and I are sleeping over at Collins'. We're talking and watching MTV at 3 am, when Chris' phone rings. He bitches about who would all him at 3.

All I know is that I heard the words: "Katie Ryan, I...love you"*

*There may have been a platonically in there, but artistic license lets me cut it out to make the story funnier.


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