Racey days, Help me through the hopeless haze.

Big D's Random Happenings. Plus some robots. Comments Appreciated!!!

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Student Night at Camden Yard: Os v. Red Socks

Yesterday was student night at Camden Yards, meaning tics were $5 a peice. After dropping Joe to work, Collins and I chilled at his house waiting for Katie to pick us up. Chris gets a call, asking how to get to his house, but he is terrible at it, so I end up giving Katie directions. We wait for half an hour, watching Phil play Battlefield 2. Eventually, Chris' dad tells us to come look at something, this purple car had been circling the entire neighborhood. Who else drives a purple Escort?(Escort...You fill in the punch line...)

We pile in the back with Kneil, leaving Frank to ride shotgun. I check my pockets and realize that I have my cell, Sci-Fair pen, Pohlner pen, keys, calculator, and and old pass to an NHS meeting. One necessary item not covered above was my wallet, which I had left in my car. While I was freaking out about forgetting my wallet, Chris told me to calm down...I could just pay him back later.

Katie parked in the city for free, but Julia actually paid $10 to park. The game started terribly, the Orioles pitcher giving the other team 7 runs in the first two innings....Eventually, the score ended up being 8-14. Julia dropped me and Chris off at his house, and I spent the night there.

Well, gotta go pack for FL!!!

Lyric of the Day:
"City streets at night

Can be so intimidating
I'm not the toughest guy
I gotta keep my eyes open"
-Weezer:"Freak Me Out"

Random Story of The Day:
At Chris' house, we are both tired and slightly out of it.

Chris: Dinesh you want something to eat?
Me: Yeah!
Chris: I'm going to heat us up hot pockets
Me: Alright, I'm just going to play Battlefront till you are done
(Chris comes back a seond later with a fork and a hot pocket)
Me(thinking): He totally forgot to get me a Hot Pocket, but he's too tired, I wont bother him.
(Chris leaves the Hot Pocket by his spot on the carpet)
Me(thinking): Now he leaves his here to torture me...
(Chris starts playing on his computer)
Me(thinking): Did he forget about his Hot Pocket, I should remind him
Me: Chris you left your Hot Pocket here!
Chris: Dude, that one is for you


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