Racey days, Help me through the hopeless haze.

Big D's Random Happenings. Plus some robots. Comments Appreciated!!!

Sunday, March 05, 2006


JHU Model UN was fun. I was Belarus World Health Organization, and I had to discuss Avian Flu, Sanitary Hospital Pracices, & Funding Mental Health issues. Main things I remember from the blur that has been the past few days:
- I was Head Delagate for Belarus (Props to Akash)
- My balls exploded at the Cheesecake Factory(They blew up my order)
- Tuua made me feel bad for eating Taco Bell(but I did it anyway)
- Salina is under Lim on the list of most apathetic people I know
- I can't blame her though because WHO was boring
- I will never attend a Calvert Hall mixer(Thanks to Parker)
- Sweden is my homeboy and Kazakistan has got my back
- I am a member of CAK(Coalation against Kuwait)
- Jared loves his banana
- Choose blankets over bed (Poor Akash)
- Refer to Elan as Master, for he is wise, powerful, and a Mac(I'm a PC)
- Sandya got props from Afro-dude for her dancing
- Katie acted like the Gulf War was happening right now
- NEVER call Caitlin the name Katie
- Hopkins kids have planning issues
- Sudoku is really hard
- Persistancy does not get you the girl
- UK, Australia, and UAE suck
- Gay men do not like Elan dancing with them
- Vote with rights when possible
- Cherry Pepsi and Apple Juice mixed can look alcoholic
- Salina uses the phrase "That's disgusting!" way too often
- Always be present and voting
- Pretending to be intoxicated makes you fall down stairs
- Cowardice is my tragic flaw

Lyric of the Day:
" There she stood in the doorway

I heard the mission bell
And I was thinking to myself
This could be Heaven or this could be Hell "
-The Eagles: Hotel California

Random Story of The Day:
So, I come back from the Head Delagates meeting, where they told us that inapproprate notepassing was seen in all comittees. In order to tell this to my roomates(Akash, Elan, Parker, James, Alex, and Jared), I pretended like the situation was urgent and said that JHUMUNC told me to remind them that the privilage of notes would be taken away. I went to shower, and when I am done I hear this conversation in my room:

Tuua(furious): You can't be serious!

Parker(annoyed): No, Dinesh told us.
Tuua(furious): That is such bullcrap! This is so stupid!
Parker(agitated): I know! How the hell can they take away notepassing!
Me(whisper): Well they never actually said that...
Parker: You lied about the meeting?
Me: Hey now, I was just messing with you. Not my fault you ran off, told Tuua and got her all pissed. Besides...
Parker(shouting as he tackles me): YOOOOUUUUU LIARRRRR!!!

I have never been taken down that quickly or randomly.


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