Racey days, Help me through the hopeless haze.

Big D's Random Happenings. Plus some robots. Comments Appreciated!!!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Locked and Loaded and Packed...

So, big history club meeting tomorrow, and I'm still not done my proposal. Well, I don't feel that bad, I mean Salina isn't done hers yet, right? Sure, but she probably did more research than I did. Oh well, time to go find my CD player. I can't find it(I haven't used it since i got my iPod), but since my iPod charger can't be used on the trip, i have to use CDs. I know, woe is me.

Lyric of the Day:
"Everybody is out to get me, but i feel alright

Everybody is out to get me, but i feel alright
Everybody is out to get me, but i feel alright
Everybody is thinking about me!"
-Jim's Big Ego: Stress 2000

Random Story of The Day:

So Dan and I are talking about school and random other things, and he tells me about what they are doing at Legends this weekend:

Dan: So we are starting a D&D campaign at Legends
Me: The weekend I go away?
Dan: Yeah, I get to be a favored soul
Me: Haven't played DnD in a while, that would be...
Dan: A healer that can hold his own in battle
Me: Isn't that a Paladin?
Dan: Yeah, exept WoW has me thinking Paladins are a little fruity
Me: Yeah, "Lay on Hands" is one of their abilities
Dan: Look at this situation:

Warrior: "need heal"
Paladin:"ok, gimme a sec"
*uses lay on hands*
Warrior:"hey buddy watch where you lay those hands..."
Warrior: "you better not be...oh my fucking god you are...."
*stabs Paladin to death*


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