Racey days, Help me through the hopeless haze.

Big D's Random Happenings. Plus some robots. Comments Appreciated!!!

Friday, March 10, 2006

Show at St. Tims

Tonight was helluva fun, apart from the having to make 10 u-turns, and not knowing where the hell I was in Dundalk. Chris, Joe, Davon, Oliver, and I decided to go to the movies to see "V for Vendetta". Only problem with that is that the movie comes out next week. So we ended up driving up to White Marsh, going to Taco Bell, then going all the way to Dundalk to see Meekins' band perform.

It was interesting, the bluesy feel was much more relaxing than the "Scremo" band that played before them. They had this two minute drum solo that people sort of got tired of, but that just made it better when Meekins came back. Am I sorry I missed Milla Jovovich in Ultraviolet? Not really, as the show and the ride there and back were enjoyable and memorable.

Lyric of the Day:
" You can't avoid her.

She's in the air... in the air
In between molecules of
Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide."
- Weezer: Only in Dreams

Random Story of The Day:

So we walk up to get tickets, and this kid behind me keeps messing with my hair. I'm about to turn around and "drop him" (really just tell him to stop), when I realize that the person looks familiar. I ask myself who the hell he is as I get my stamp on my hand, then Elan whispers to me: "Nate cut his hair...". Sure enough it was our robotics ex-president there, he had come down for spring break. In the words of Nate: "Nowhere to party like Parkville!"


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