Racey days, Help me through the hopeless haze.

Big D's Random Happenings. Plus some robots. Comments Appreciated!!!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Darth Vader!

You are a

Social Conservative
(21% permissive)

and an...

Economic Liberal
(28% permissive)

You are best described as a:


Link: The Politics Test on Ok Cupid
Also: The OkCupid Dating Persona Test

Lyric of the Day:
"And now I know who you are
It wasn't that hard
Just to figure you out."
-Nicelback: "Figured You Out"

Funny Story of the Day:
I have Hannon for homeroom, so today I walked up to him and told him I had an NHS meeting. As I walked to the meeting, I meet Kezia in the halls and she tells me that we have no meeting. When I walk into class Hannon pretends to grill me on why I left his class for such a short time.

Hannon: So, that seemed like a really short meeting.
Me: Yeah, Ms. Revere and Kezia really should orchestrate this better. I mean she could have at lest made it clear that there was no meeting today.
Hannon: I've actually known her since 1975, we taught at Pine Grove...
Elan: You knew Kezia in 1975!!
Me: Genius, He's talking about Revere.


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