Racey days, Help me through the hopeless haze.

Big D's Random Happenings. Plus some robots. Comments Appreciated!!!

Sunday, March 12, 2006

40 points in Autonomous?!?!?

Today I watched the finals of the Arizona Regional on NASA TV. It was scary watching teams score 40 points in autonomous, and it sort of made me aware of how urgent our teams situation was. I mean the competition is in less than a week, and we have never tested autonomous or even gotten the shooter to be accurate. I can only hope that somehow we manage to make it through qualifiers without becoming known as "that team that sucks".

Lyric of the Day:
"I'd chime in
'Haven't you people ever heard of closing the god damn door?!'
No, it's much better to face these kinds of things
with a sense of poise and rationality. "
-Panic! at the Disco: I write sins not Tragedies

Random Story of The Day:

I was sittting around making funny names for Econ-Challenge teams.
My ideas:
- The Revolution (How about you and your crew vs. Me and The Revolution)
- No Taxation without Representation (It is always the answer)
- E for Economics ("V for Vendetta" rip-off)
- Knights of the Round Twinkie
- T Squared (Team Twinkie)
- Laissez-Faire Lions (c/o Elan)
- Kings of Keanes (c/o Elan)


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