Racey days, Help me through the hopeless haze.

Big D's Random Happenings. Plus some robots. Comments Appreciated!!!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

AP Psych done...

Well that test was both easy and sort of difficult. If I had made flashcards I'm sure I would have done better. Stupid Senioritis....

So yeah, anyone bored enough to read this be warned. Tomorrow I will look different.


Off to sleep, I know Econ.

Lyric of the Day:
I never thought I'd walk away from you.
I did.
But it's a false sense of accomplishment.
Every time I quit "
-Jimmy Eat World:"Pain"

Random Story of The Day:
During the AP test today the fire alarm goes off. As we all file out talking about whether or not our scores will be invalidated, Mr. Dunbar walks up to our group.

Dunbar: So guys, just relax. Your tests will get time extensions.
Me: Yes! Unsceduled break when I'm in the zone!
Jade: Yeah, if you have a zone...
Elan: I just realizeed something, our tests aren't guarded
Dunbar: We locked the doors, they're fine.
Elan: You sure you don't want me to go check on them.
Dunbar: No, they're fine, really.


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