Thinking outside the Box
Today in IT, we saw that some 10th grader got suspended for doing bad stuff on the network. One comment that I heard and thought was interesting was "I hope he doesn't join the darks side". For those of you who are unaware; this is more than a Star Wars reference, it is an allusion to black hat hackers(aka. smart people who do malicious things). Im not going to claim to have had a catharsis, but this made me a little concious about myself. If I stood out too much, would I be hammered down as in the old Chinese proverb.(A nail that stands out is hammered in.)
Here is a comic to help:

Cyanide & Happiness @
So according to this, a quite excellent source, standing out can get you looked down on, and even make you isolated. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? On the pro side, you are unique. On the con side, we all know how well the world deals with uniqueness.
Ah well, got to go do stupid IRP/ study for psych.
I hope she liked minigolf.
Lyric of the Day:
"Talk is cheap and lies are expensive
My wallet's fat and so is my head
Hit and run and then I'll hit you again
I'm a smart ass but I'm playing dumb"
-Green Day:"Walking Contradiction"
Random Story of The Day:
Ball approaches. My hair must be dealt with. Before my creation grows out of my control.
Me: my hair needs to be done
Nonye: cut it short and spike it
Me: u serious?
Nonye: i've already told you this
Nonye: that's the world according to Nneka and she knows gay ppl
Nonye: and gay ppl know all about this stuff
Me: did you call me gay?
Nonye: XD
Me: o wait, that means im really straight
Me: i know nothing lol
Nonye: duh
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