Racey days, Help me through the hopeless haze.

Big D's Random Happenings. Plus some robots. Comments Appreciated!!!

Monday, March 20, 2006


To all who read this because of the title: Gotcha!

You can tell that the Ball and Dance are approaching when people get all exited about it. Today, I heard at least seven people planning how they were going to arrive to Prom. It makes me realize how close we are to the end of the year. Senior year being over, the thought is somewhat sad...

But this isn't one of those nostalgic stories, that was last week. Today I want to focus on something that has been bugging me, waiting for college admission responses.

Yes, this is a torturous existance, coming home and checking the mailbox every day. But one has to remember that his is put a step on the way to getting into college. Sure it is frustrating sitting and waiting for responses, but that does not mean it should make you worry. If you sent out a good app, good job, if not, hope you have a kind reader and get on with life.

As a note: Thanks to Tuua for coercing me into updating.

Lyric of the Day:
" I'm never out of bed before noon

Waking up too late seems too soon
And I could never be Neil Armstrong
I'd be the last man on the moon"
-SR-71: Last man on the moon

Random Story of The Day:
So Britanny and I walk out of Econ, and we both feel like we did crappy on the test.

Brittany: I hope I didn't totally bomb that test

Me: Me niether, that test sucked.
Britanny: For the free response I got a mental block. That sucks when you're taking a test and you just can't remember something even though you know it...
Me: What sucks more is remembering everything about the topic; then forgetting to write it on your paper.
Brittany: You did that?
Me: Yeah, I sort of forgot to answer the second part of the question.
Brittany: Wow, that does suck...


At 5:55 PM, Blogger Elan said...

lol yeah but college is gonna rock. everyones going to go to JHU or close enough not to matter so its not like im going to miss anyone. the ball will be fun no matter how it goes so i dont think anyone has reason to get hysteric about it but whatever.

as for econ another 100 in the bag. yeah i rock


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