I finally reached the internet!
The day after ball, we moved to my grandma's. It has taken me sort of long totry and set up the internet there, but its happeniong. In the meanwhile, I am left updating my blog at the library. Sad, I know.
Last night Elan, Joe, and I watched Munich. It was one of those movies where the thin line between cautious and paranoid became extremely blurred. I mean sleeping in you closet because your bed might be bombed is paranoid right?
Well, got to go do stuff, though not at school.
P.S. Ball was amazing. Not as amazing as my tux was, but pretty awesome.
Lyric of the Day:
"I could make references to books I never read
For the sake of sounding conscious
But, that’s just obnoxious"
-Gym Class Heroes:"Nothing Boy VS The Echo Factor"
Random Story of The Day:
Last night was NSHS inductions. Besides Collins burning himself on a candle, I had several amusing conversations.
Kezia: Payal, you have a myspace
Payal: Yeah....
Me(interrupting): This conversation is just so wrong. I mean its only your top 8 that matters right?
Kezia: You're not on my top 8...
Me: Oh god, now we're going to have some Top 8 drama on the last day of school!
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