Racey days, Help me through the hopeless haze.

Big D's Random Happenings. Plus some robots. Comments Appreciated!!!

Friday, April 21, 2006


Today I got one weird "questionnaire". Usually, this would go as a Random Story, but I felt the content of this letter was so important, I had to address it in the main part of my blog(the greatest thing ever!).

Onto the Questionaire(text in italics) and my answers(in bold):

To Dinesh

If you were a clone would you rather be an Alpha or Beta clone. Or none
(If you chose none then you have remain pure with the 501st)
Write your class!
I would be neither. But there were clones in the 501st when it first started. In fact the only ones who served Lord Vader were clones.
Have you ever been or currently on a quest with a 7 ft armored knight comrad looking for a particular stone?
Yeah, but in my quest my 7 ft armored knight wasn't my little brother whose soul I had bounded into a suit of armor.
If you appreciate marbles with orange stars on them scream for joy. Then e-mail me later. Yes/No?
Yeah, but only before Cell went after them. Saiyan Saga was the best.
When you challenge me to a duel, how do you know when you are ready?
When I hear a voice say "Its time to DU-DU-DU-DUEL!!".
If you were faster than I, could you prove it? How?
I would get Phil to help me rush D2. Thats the fastest I can get.
It would be nice to know who the author of this was....

Lyric of the Day:
"Tonight I watch the lights go out in your house

Wondering how I could get so deep
And you could still get to sleep
In vain I blame my trembling on the cold air"
-Something Corporate:"She Paints Me Blue"

Random Story of The Day:

So Saturday was the Hopkins Physics Fair. Elan, Joe, and I need a fourth for our physics bowl team.
Me: Call Mwuara again.
Elan: I called, no answer. There is Jake from summer at Hopkins, he could be our third.
Me: Fine, lets go introduce ourselves.
Elan: Sure, but I have to go to the bathroom.(dashes off down stairs)
Me: Joe, lets go up to this "Jake".
Joe: That seems a bit...
Me: Come on, there's no problem with two random guys walking up to you and knowing your name. Oh, wait...there is.


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